Old Coulsdon Bowling Club Ltd

  • 81 Couldson Road
  • Old Couldson
  • Coulsdon
  • Surrey
  • CR5 2LD

01737 552580
Email Us

Club Matches

The full programme of matches is shown in the outdoor and indoor handbooks, and also on this web site. 

Mens Matches

If you would like to be considered for any of the matches then please put your name on the appropriate sheet in the Matches Book which sits in front of the indoor honours
board (at the end of the indoor rink on the left looking down the rink).

When the team has been chosen a team sheet is placed on the notice board on the way to the 
coffee machine, this is normally about one week in advance of the match - but sometimes 

rather less. 

Ladies Matches

If you would like to be considered for any of the matches then please put your name on the appropriate sheet in the Ladies changing rooms

When the team has been chosen a team sheet is placed on the notice in the Ladies changing 
room, this is normally about one week in advance of the match - but sometimes rather less.

The team sheets show the make up of the rinks in the team plus reserves. If you are chosen, either as a team member or reserve, then you need to tick off your name on this sheet to confirm you have seen it and are still available. You also need to indicate for away matches whether you require a lift, are prepared to take your car or if you will be traveling direct.

The team sheet will also show the departure time for away matches, the dress code for the match and whether there will be a meal, or tea and biscuits afterwards.

Exception for Colin Hibbs Matches 

The Colin Hibbs league is an indoor league run at Donyngs. If you wish to play in this league then you sign up, actually before the indoor season starts, and you will then be chosen for two matches. The whole programme of matches is then posted on the notice board at the start of the season.

For all matches players should be available 15 minutes before the advertised start (for home matches) or the advertised departure (for away matches).